3 eligible kids, happily living with family outside of control of “Indian Country,” without “Split Feather.”
NEWS FLASH: MOST children targeted by ICWA are multi-racial. Statements by ICWA supporters that Non-members have NO RIGHT to speak about the Indian Child Welfare Act are born of prejudice and delusion …. and are terrifying people.
These statements are made as if hundreds of thousands of enrollable children across the United States do NOT have non-member birth parents currently raising them successfully – and non-native extended family.
Hello? EVEN VERONICA was born of a non-member mother. Hello? Veronica has a maternal grandfather who is 100% Hispanic. What is he, chopped liver?
IMPORTANTLY – – when people make the statement that non-members have no right to speak – what they are saying is that I don’t have a right to speak up for my own kids. If people don’t think I have any right to speak up about how ICWA works, despite the rhetoric from their own mouths that any enrollable child is “THEIR” child (which would include my children and grandchildren) – and the Tribal Industry claims of potential jurisdiction over MY OWN KIDS and grandkids – – THINK AGAIN.
Like a mother bear, I become even more determined to fight back against those threatening my family. I become even more determined to fight back against hate-filled people who assume they know my children better than I do – and more determined to fight to my death (yup) to DESTROY this horrendous, unconstitutional, racist, hateful, prejudice, child-stealing law called ICWA. It is rhetoric like that that fuels me.
Keep it up! Keep claiming that birth parents and extended family of hundreds of thousands of enrollable children don’t matter at all. You are doing my work for me – angering almost every non-native family member across the United States. (excepting for non-native family members who have bought the Tribal Industry rhetoric hook, line and sinker.)
PLEASE – KEEP SAYING THAT A CHILD’S OTHER HERITAGES AND FAMILY DON’T MATTER. Your honesty is doing amazing press for us. By blurting out your true bottom line as to how ICWA has been written and why – you are opening eyes that would otherwise never have realized that ICWA could affect their families as well.
It is dawning on people that if they, as parents, got in a car wreck, their extended family might have to fight a tribe for custody of their kids. Grandparents are realizing that if their son or daughter were in a car wreck, a dishonest tribal court could tell them, as grandparents, that they have no right to raise their grandchildren.
You are terrifying families of eligible children every time you open your mouths and claim their kids as your own – every time you make hateful and racist statements toward family members of kids who could potentially end up targeted by ICWA.
I don’t even have to spend money on press releases – You are doing it for us.
Thank you for being so open as to what you honestly feel about the families of so many of America’s children.
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