February Giveaway ~ :)

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Feb 012014


Video Documentary: Dying in Indian Country explains how welfare, federal Indian policy, the BIA and corrupt tribal governments are largely responsible for the destruction of families, while non-governmental solutions can bring genuine hope and change.

Booklet: “Our Living God is a Missionary God” is a colorful explanation of our Missionary God for children ages 9-11.

Enter more than once! Multiple entry options available – the form will guide you through them.

Further, NO obligations required for entry.

For example, you do not need to answer any questions, nor need you connect to Facebook.

Connection to social networks are not necessary but are merely suggestions to earn additional entries in the Giveaway. Simply click “Skip” and move on if you wish – or participate in the suggestions for additional entry points. šŸ™‚

(The suggested video is only 40 seconds long ~ )
