CAICW General Fund

Want to Help? – The primary need is for families affected by ICWA to have funds for their legal expenses. You can contribute to their legal fund through here.
Our office maintains a prudent and penny-wise budget. We take pride in our low monthly overhead. There are no salaries or huge office expenses.
Working out of our homes, the biggest expense is travel to DC once or twice a year. In 2015, our Chairwoman spent 6 weeks camping in DC – spending about $25 a day, including metro fare. During this time, she visited every congressional office in the Senate and House office buildings at least once. We keep expenses down by not staying in motels, not eating restaurant food, and not taking taxis. We also don’t party or spend money on politicians or their aides.
Office expenses include hosting of the website, paper, toner, envelopes and stamps. Once or twice a year, the general fund also contributes to the cell phone bill or internet service.
If you want to help the office, an easy way is through Amazon Smile when you order things for yourself online. Amazon has a program that – while still allowing you to order the exact same things you would on the regular Amazon page for the exact same prices – gives a tiny percentage of the purchase price to the charity of your choice. It is absolutely pain free – the easiest way to donate. You can even set it up to do the donation automatically every time you shop. Amazon will remember and apply it for you.
Go to to check it out.
If you feel led to donate further, you can do so through PayPal using the ‘Donate at’ email address.
– You can also Mail Your Check or Money Order to:
Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare – General Fund
PO Box 460,
Hillsboro, ND 58045 – 0460
You can request that mailed funds be applied to specific accounts.
(Please don’t send cash through the mail)
Thank you so much for the gracious support and prayers.
Volunteer to:
Help Educate and Inform by:
- Enabling us to Continue Publishing a Newsletter
- Enabling us to Keep the Website Updated
- Assisting in Research Statistics
- Enabling us to educate the public as well as elected officials about Indian rights, laws, and issues
Minster To Families by:
- Helping us to stay in contact with families
- Supporting and encouraging individuals and families to Trust God, Look to Him, and Pray.
- Supporting Equal Protection for children
- Supporting the right of parents to choose guardians for their children without regard for heritage.
- Supporting and Encouraging families to combat alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual abuse, child abuse and child neglect
- Encouraging Families to Stand Up Together, Pray for Each Other, and Support Each One Another.
Defend Parental and Civil Rights by:
- Assisting us in the research of Case Law, Legislative History, and significant Secondary Authority and make it freely available
- Encouraging accountability of governments to families with Indian heritage
- Seeking Justice and defending the cause of families in need.
- Advocating the use of the “Existing Indian Family Doctrine“
- Advocating for Fair Trials for all US citizens, no matter their heritage
- Defining protections for Adoptive Parents
Assist and Support Christian Churches in their local Ministries by:
- Supporting and encouraging prayerful volunteerism in local church Ministries and Missions.
- Encouraging the work of Evangelism
Thank you for considering a U.S. tax deductible contribution to the Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare, a U.S. 501c(3)