Sep 092024

Congress views Indian children as chattel for tribal governments – forcing children and families who have no emotional connection to Indian Country to submit to tribal jurisdiction.

However, a new ICWA case is making its way up the ladder. ‘In the Matter of the Welfare of the Children of: L.K. and A.S., Parents‘, is headed to the Minnesota Supreme Court.
CAICW was invited to write an Amicus brief in support of the petitioners. You can read CAICW’s amicus here:

CAICW Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Petitioners

Minneapolis attorney Mark D. Fiddler, of Fiddler Osband Flynn LLC., is the lead attorney for the appellants/petitioners.

CAICW is a national 501c3. Donations to cover legal fees for the family are tax deductible. As has been done before, unless specified for CAICW, 100% of donations will be sent directly to the family’s attorneys (In this case, Fiddler Osband Flynn LLC.) Please send donations to:

PO Box 460
Hillsboro, ND 58045

Thank you for your help and support.

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