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From: Sullivan, Thomas (ACF)
Subject: Criminal Corruption Reaches New Heights at Spirit Lake
To: “Mcmullen, Marrianne (ACF)”
Cc: “Greenberg, Mark (ACF)”
Ms. McMullen:
One month ago I wrote a four page email documenting the level of control exercised by the criminally corrupt at Spirit Lake.
This was not the first time I had raised their control over events at Spirit Lake. Almost two years ago, in my First Mandated Report, dated June 14, 2012, I quoted favorably from a letter composed by former Tribal Judge Molly McDonald who had written, “I grew up on this reservation and witnessed many acts of violence and abuse. This is normal to us. Our tribe has adopted this as a way of life, violence and hopelessness. When does the cycle end?…The abuse is reported but nothing is done by Social Services or Law Enforcement. Where do we go from there?…. Please consider that if an investigation had been done, many children could have been saved from further abuse, and possibly, they would have been alive today…..our tribe is attempting to cover up these issues that plagued our reservation for many years……Whatever picture our tribal council or chairman want to paint, it simply is not the case. There is a dire need for professionals …that know their boundaries and will not overlook issues at the request of Tribal Council.”
When former Tribal Judge McDonald wrote that letter in the Spring of 2012, the criminally corrupt controlled the levers of power at Spirit Lake. They still do. Now, however, after going unchallenged by anyone in authority for so many years, they may have gone too far for most responsible people.
In item # 2 in my December 19, 2013 email to you I referenced the allegation that a 13 year old little girl was being raped by a known sex offender, that this had been reported to the Tribal Chair and Council, BIA and Tribal law enforcement. The child’s non-custodial father was told by the BIA that they would not be able to investigate this allegation for another thirty days at the earliest. I have periodically referenced this child’s situation in my subsequent emails to you. To my knowledge, more than 6 months after this allegation was first reported to the BIA, no investigation has yet been conducted. This is how innocent victims are treated at Spirit Lake! Would such a failure to investigate these allegations, to stop the abuse and to protect the innocent victim be tolerated in Devils Lake, ND, the nearest off reservation majority community?
Clearly the criminally corrupt do not control Devils Lake. Even though the alleged rapist, referenced above, resides on the Spirit Lake reservation, the State’s Attorney for Ramsey County (Devils Lake is the county seat for Ramsey County) has obtained four felony indictments against this man for child abuse, endangerment for actions he engaged in off the reservation in Ramsey County. My sources and I suspect these indictments are for child sexual abuse but have not thus far been able to obtain confirmation of our suspicions. Nevertheless, these are felony level charges involving the abuse of a child. I believe most thinking adults, knowing this, would consider those to be serious charges. This is not an opinion held by the Spirit Lake leadership because they are refusing to allow this alleged rapist of a 13 year old little girl, the subject of four felony indictments involving child abuse, to be extradited to Ramsey County.
Apparently this is how it works at Spirit Lake: the allegations of little girls who report they are being raped are ignored while their alleged rapists the subject of four felony indictments for child abuse is shielded from the law. If this isn’t a new extreme in criminal corruption what is?
Thomas F. Sullivan
Regional Administrator, ACF, Denver
2 Responses to “Tom Sullivan: Continual Rape of 13-yr-old Ignored”
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These issues were addressed to Senator Hoeven and Heitkamp, but there has been no response from either as of this date.
The Spirit Lake Tribal Council needs to clean up their own act – including removal of Mr. Redfox for the sexual assault conviction. This person as I understand is also the Social Service Monitor. Now go figure????
There are other illegal actions/activities ocurring, but the federal government just does not want to step on anyones toes. On June 9, 2014 a letter was received from the Aberdeen Area Office, Regional Director who more or less stated that we need to handle our own problems on Spirit Lake. The corruption is still present and tribal members are in fear of retaliation by the Tribal Council.
The President’s visit to the Standing Rock Reservation will only serve one purpose for the Spirit Lake Tribe and that will be to further feed Mr. McDonald’s already super-inflated ego.
The Tribe’s in North Dakota and South Dakota are seeking “CHANGE” in Indian Country, but if the leaders keep getting applause by government officials – how can the tribal members ever hope for change. The SLT Council uses money, intimidation, retaliation, termination, tribal attorney’s and social media for their benefit, not for the benefit of the people.
Thank you for your note, Bonita. God bless you and all the others over there who have stood up to fight. We are standing with you 100%.